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Rotation Settings

Rotation period can be based on

  • Refresh (Rotate) thumbs every X minutes
  • or every X clicks

If you want to rotate thumbs evey X clicks - set Refresh (Rotate) thumbs every X minutes = 0. If there are some numbers in both fields - script will use each. For example, Rotate every 5 minutes and 200 clicks, during 5 minutes you've get 120 clicks - script will do rotation.

Thumb casts (save last X results) - amount of saved rotation results. It affects 'hold of thumbs' at top posotions. Lemme explain this.

Lets say we have 100 thumbs, script rotates them for the first time - we get some stat (thumbs CTR), script rotates thumbs again - and we get some stats again. The same thumb can get diff. CTR during these 2 rotations due to some traffic fluctuations and so on. That's why we take an average of these 2 stats when we rearrange thumbs for the next third rotation.

For example, we have a thumb with stats of 10 rotations of the same thumb: (rotation - thumb CTR)

1 - 5%
2 - 5%
3 - 5%
4 - 4%
5 - 4%
6 - 4%
7 - 3%
8 - 4%
9 - 3%
10 - 3%

An average CTR is 4%. If we save data for the last 5 rotations - avegare CTR will be 3.4% This is why thumb css are important.

For example, if you rotate thumbs every 5 minutes and 'save last X results' = 100 - that means that you'll have an average CTR for the last 500 minutes.

Basically longer period gives you more accurate stats but at the same time some 'old' thumbs can be at the tp positions too long.

Places for new - places where we gonna show new thumbs (ie thumbs with amount of casts less then “% of cast shows for new thumbs” will be shown at these places)

% of cast shows for new thumbs - let's say average thumb in our DB has 100 casts, while you have 20% in this field. New thumbs will be shown at “Places for new” till they get 20 casts.

Ignore Cell K - The thumb having highest rank is shown at the best positions. Unique feature of StreamRotator is concluded in the fact, that you needn’t activate special mode for counting ctr of cells, all coefficients are counted at background mode without loss of traffic. Moreover, when script generates your main page for the first time, it tries to adjust these coefficients to cells itself according to location of the cell, so changes of these coefficients will be minimal in the future. But some very small sites this can be usefulness or even bad.

Alternative thumb hosts - Due to some standards browser doesnt send more then 4 requests per domain. What that means for us: let's say you have 100 thumbs on page, browser won't request image number 5 till it has gotten one of the first 4 images. This slows down visual speed of your site. You can create hosts, and so on and point it to, contact your admin to do it.

Graber Save Settings Where do you want to save thumbs, dont mix up URL with PATH.

Thumb Settings - размеры и качество тумб. Тут можно отметить что тумбы можно делать 2мя псобами: GВ или IM (Image Magick) - это отражается в параметре Image Lib. GD - это внетрення библиотека ПХП, IM - это внешная биллиотека. Если вы используете IM (что обычно предпочтительнее) то надо проставить путь в Path to IM. Путь обычно /usr/local/bin/ или /usr/bin/. В этом поле можно увидеть autodetect если скрипт находит автоматически путь.

Replace specials (ampersant to %26) - as provided by RFC if you have '&' in gallery URL you have to replace it with '%26'. Lemme explain why RFC require it.


it's clear that url is, while skimming is 60. but let's image we want to pass &p=60 as gerry parameter ie gallery URL is

so there's not way to understant do you want to pass 60 to trade script or to gallery. Thats why you have to replace &.


Encode urls - usually links look like


and surfer can easy cut gallery URL from links. You can try to avoid this by encoding so URLs gonna be like


Allow dupes in urls (ie the same gallery but diff. thumbs on the same page)

Эта опция регулирует - будут ли показаны только лучшие тумбы из гали (если галя имеет более 1й тумбы в ротации) или будут показываться все.

rotation_settings.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/29 18:04 by