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Filter Keywords

This is one the main feature to filter galleries and assign them to groups.

When you import galleries you have to assign at least one group to any gallery. If no groups were assigned to a galleries - it won't be added.

You can select “Filter keywords based on descriptions” and “Filter keywords based on categories”. “based on descriptions” - we search keywords in gallery's description, “based on categories” we need if we import galleries and have a list of categories BUT names of categories are not exactly what we have. For example. we have a category called “automobiles” and import galleries like “http://gallery/|automobiles” where the second parameter is “category” it's all good here as the category name in import string matches the category name that we have. But if we import something like “http://gallery/|supercar” or “http://gallery/|cars” - it won't be added as it does not match our categories. So we can use filter keywords like 'car' for category “automobiles” to add galleries in cases like this one.

A group will be assigned to a gallery in it matches the expression. There are 2 main rules: a space means “AND”, '|' - means OR and “-” (minus) means NO, for example

both words should in in description

word1 word2 (read as word1 AND word2)

word1 OR word2 should be in description


2 conditions - word1 AND (word2 OR word3) so it won't work for “word1 blah blah word4” for example

word1 (word2|word3) 

Other examples

word1 -word2  

word1 -word2 -word3

Should contain word1 AND DO NOT have word2 OR word3

word1 (-word2|-word3) 

By default the script searches for keywords anywhere, even if it's just a part of another word. But there are some features you can use to precise it's actions

quotes ““ to use 2 words as 1 keyword “word1 word2” works for word1 word2 zzzz, but doesn't work for word1 zzz word2

^ = word start word works for words and prewords, because both words contain the keyword. if you need exactly “word” use ^word - so it will work for word, words and so on where it begins with “word”

$ = end of phrase - word works both for word and words, if you don't need the latter option use word$

filter_keywords.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/07 09:04 by admin