Table of Contents
External Thumb Rotators
If you decide to use external rotators take a look at these hints
Smart Thumbs
1. Settings → General Settings
Set: Url encode / encrypt URL - No Thumb trade script urls: /out.php?url=#url#&p=#skim#
2. At this point you have 2 options
- ST :: Settings → General settings : Output files - set 'main.html'
SmartCJ :: Settings → CJPages : type path to main.html, copy scj/cgi/index.php to the root of your domain(Start Here)
ST creates main.html with thumbs, while SmartCJ shows this file as index.
- ST :: Settings → General settings : Output files - set 'index.shtml'
Add to ST template after </head>
<!--#include virtual="/scj/cgi/include.php?${QUERY_STRING}"-->
Stream Rotator
0. Make sure you've done Start Here ( copy index.php, out.php and common.php)
1. Create file main.php
<?php include("streamrotator/in.php");?>
and upload to the root of your domain.
2. Settings→CJpages type PATH to main.php
Link in subtemplate of Stream should be like
Rolling Thumbs
RT can read SmartCj logs so all you have to do is
- install RT to the same DB as SmartCJ
- in RT settings change Log type : SmartCJ
external_thumb_rotators.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/29 18:04 by