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There can be any number of toplists. Filename has to start with _ ( _ underlining sign ). While parsing, the script takes files with «_» at the beginning, then processes them and saves under the same name but without «_». That means that out of _top.html turns out top.html file. Afterwards this file can be included into the main page with the help of the include like this

<!--#include file="./scj/top/top.html"-->

Note that the path has to be either full or relative. And this is the path not an url.

Variables for templates

_MEMBER_1_ - domain of the 1st trader
_MEMBER_1_URL_ - url of the 1st trader
_MEMBER_1_DESC_ – the site name of the 1st trader
_MEMBER_1_FULL_DESC_ - description 
_MEMBER_1_CLICKS_ number of clicks 
_MEMBER_1_UNI_IN_  all the hits
_MEMBER_1_RAW_IN_ - unique hits
_MEMBER_1_OUT_ - number of clicks sent to trader
_MEMBER_1_IMAGE_ - trader's image
_MEMBER_1_TOTAL_ROW_ - the same including all history
_MEMBER_1_TOTAL_UNI_  - the same including all history
_MEMBER_1_TOTAL_CLICKS_  - the same including all history
_MEMBER_1_TOTAL_OUT_  - the same including all history
_MEMBER_1_GROUP_URL_ - if trader has personal group url

Additional madificators for each template exist, their usage is optional. Modificators are inserted in any place of template usually in the very beginning.

<!--group=teen--> -  in this top traders  only from teen group will be included.  
<!-–sort_by=rd-->  to  sort traders in this toplist by parameter other than in  Settings → CJ Settings 


rd => Raw
ud => Uniques
cd => Clicks Total
ctd => Clicks Trade
cud => Clicks to URL
priority => Priority
prod_trade => day trade productivity
prod_total => day total prod

SmartCJ can create “Thumb Top”. Main idea is to awake surfer's interest in trader's site. We take one random thumb of trader's top 10 thumb and create preview for it with link to trader's site. This noticeably rise top's productivity. To switch it on set 'Yes' to Settings → CJ Settings → Create thumbs for TOPlist. Script will create thumb with names like /scj/top/tt/trader_domain.jpg so for domain it should be /scj/top/tt/

You can use it in TopList template as

<a href='/out.php?member=_MEMBER_1_'><img src='/scj/top/tt/_MEMBER_1_.jpg'></a>

Here is an example of toplist:

<TABLE cellpadding="4" border=1 cellspacing="1">

<TR><td align="center" border=0 width="30">
<font size=3 face="Times New Roman">
1. </td>
<td align="left" border=0 width="350">
<A HREF="/out.php?member=_MEMBER_1_" target="_blank">
<font size=2 face="Times New Roman"> 

<TR><td align="center" border=0 width="30">
<font size=3 face="Times New Roman">
2. </td>
<td align="left" border=0 width="350">
<A HREF="/out.php?member=_MEMBER_2_" target="_blank">
<font size=2 face="Times New Roman"> 

<TR><td align="center" border=0 width="30">
<font size=3 face="Times New Roman">
3. </td>
<td align="left" border=0 width="350">
<A HREF="/out.php?member=_MEMBER_3_" target="_blank">
<font size=2 face="Times New Roman"> 

<TR><td align="center" border=0 width="30">
<font size=3 face="Times New Roman">
4. </td>
<td align="left" border=0 width="350">
<A HREF="/out.php?member=_MEMBER_4_" target="_blank">
<font size=2 face="Times New Roman"> 


You can also add a toplist into your galleries with php include for example or iframe, but if your galleries are placed under another domain you show link to scj/cgi/gout.php. For example:

This script will fix referer problem so traders can see hits with your trade domain in referer field.

toplist.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/29 18:05 by