Cron Settings
Crontab - is a part of any *NIX OS. It runs some programs at defined time. Smart Trade Script uses it to collect and optimize stats
If you see notine “check crontab” in Main tab that means you have to check crontab . It should be like
copy from here: */1 * * * * cd /path_to_scj/bin/; env /path_to_php/php -q cron.php
If you use internal thumbs rotation engine also all this
copy from here: */1 * * * * cd /path_to_scj/bin/; env /path_to_php/php -q rot.php
If you havea lot of domains at one server
it's a good idea to spread load across a minute. Create file and add there all tasks ( without * and with & at the end ) for example
cd /path_to_scj/bin/; env /path_to_php/php -q cron.php & sleep 2 cd /path_to_scj2/bin/; env /path_to_php/php -q cron.php &
Change sleeptime so all of your tasks are executed within 1 minute, it's important.
and add this file to crontab
*/1 * * * * cd /path_to_sh_file/ ; sh
NOTE total amount of sleep seconds should be less then 59, if you have more lines - add sleeps each 2 lines for example.
cron_crontab_settings.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/29 18:04 by