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new_rotation_templates [2014/01/29 18:04] external edit
new_rotation_templates [2024/03/14 11:49] (current)
admin [Search log]
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 +====== New Rotation Templates ======
 +Each template consists of 2 parts: template itself and subtemplate (sometime just 'sub' to be short). Template is a regular html page with special tags, so script takes your template, replace tags with actual content (lets say replace <!--DESCRIPTION--> tag with an actual description of a gallery), saves results to cache and shows it to user.
 +All templates (except header and footer) usually have at least 1 subtemplate. Basically subtemplate is a little template to output each thumb at this page.
 +  <a href="/gallery/<!--GALLERY_SLUG-->/index.html" title="<!--ALT-->">
 +  <img src="<!--THUMB_URL-->" class="t_img" alt="" /></a> 
 +Places to show thumbs: 
 +  <thumb template=default num=1></thumb> - output thumb 1 using subtemplate default
 +  if you don't mention template - it will use default anyway so 
 +  <thumb template=default num=1></thumb> = <thumb num=1></thumb>
 +a range of numbers
 +  <thumb num=1-5></thumb>
 +outputs first 5 thumbs
 +You can also add filters inside  the tag <thumb
 +  <thumb num=1-10></thumb> 
 +this way you have 10 best thumbs
 +  <thumb sponsor=Myspon num=1-10></thumb> 
 +  or if you have space in name
 +  <thumb sponsor="My spon" num=1-10></thumb>  
 +  or you can use id
 +  <thumb sponsor_id=5 num=1-10></thumb>
 +  or a couple of ids
 +  <thumb sponsor_id=5,10 num=1-10></thumb>
 +Outputs first 10 thumbs limited by sponsor. The same works for cateegories
 +  <thumb group=Mygroup num=1-10></thumb> 
 +  <thumb group_id=5 num=1-10></thumb>
 +  or you can exclude groups 
 +  <thumb skip_group=Mygroup,other_group num=1-10></thumb> 
 +  or
 +  <thumb skip_group_id=1,2,3 num=1-10></thumb> 
 +  <thumb order=date group=Mygroup num=1-10></thumb> 
 +content limit
 +  <thumb content_type=image num=1-10></thumb> 
 +  You can also use : flash, movie_only and movie - outputs both flash and movies
 +You can also mix parameters, for example 
 +  <thumb group=Mygroup sponsor=mysponsor num=1-10></thumb> 
 +You can also have a subtemplate right in main template 
 +  <thumb group=Mygroup sponsor=mysponsor num=1-10>  <a href='/gallery/<!--GALLERY_SLUG-->/index.html'><!--THUMB_URL--> <---  this is a subtemplate </thumb> 
 +Note, that <thumb filters are added to filters we get from url, for example 
 +/category/super_name  using mod_rewrite we change it to /?group_name=super_name
 +in template we have 
 +<thumb num=1-10></thumb> 
 +script will output 10 thumb from the group 'super_name' because we have it in url parameters
 +SO if you use for example 
 +<thumb sponsor_id=5 num=1-10></thumb> 
 +script will output thumbs using 2 filters: group 'super_name' AND sponsor_id = 5.
 +if you need another group at this page - you can override url parameters in tag like 
 +<thumb sponsor_id=5 group=mygroup num=1-10></thumb> 
 +**Duration limit**
 +<thumb duration_min=10 duration_max=90 num=1-10> <!--ID--> <!--DURATION--> <br> </thumb>
 +or use can use the same in url 
 +and the tag will be just
 +<thumb num=1-10> <!--ID--> <!--DURATION--> <br> </thumb>
 +**Group limit** 
 +  <thumb group_id=.. 
 +  or 
 +  <thumb skip_group_id=..
 +**Sponsor limit** 
 +  <thumb sponsor_id=123 or sponsor=sponsor_name
 +  or 
 +  <thumb skip_sponsor_id=123 or skip_sponsor=sponsor_name
 +there are some presets
 +&date_limit=today (yesterday, this_week, this_month)
 +===== Template variables =====
 +  <!--URL--> = <!--GAL_URL--> - gallery URL
 +  <!--THUMB_URL--> 
 +  <!--EXTRA_THUMB_URL-->
 +  <!--DESCRIPTION-->  
 +  <!--DESCRIPTION_40-->  description cutted to 40 chars
 +  <!--SAFE_DESC--> safe description w\o special chars
 +  <!--ALT--> also known as title
 +  <!--ALT_30--> - title sutted to 40 chars
 +  <!--TAG1-->  first tag of gallery's tags
 +  <!--TAG2--> 
 +  <!--SOURCE_URL--> 
 +  <!--MAIN_GROUP-->
 +  <!--MAIN_GROUP_ID-->
 +for flash galleries (when sponsor gives you url to flv)
 +With update 48 models were added
 +if gallery has more then 1 model 
 +and so on
 +For categories (groups) pages 
 +<!--CATEGORY_NAME--> = <!--GROUP_NAME--> 
 +<!--CATEGORY_ID--> = <!--GROUP_ID--> 
 +For search 
 +For custom galleries
 +  <!--IMG_1_IMAGE-->
 +  <!--IMG_1_THUMB-->
 +  <!--IMG_1_THUMB_X-->
 +  <!--IMG_1_THUMB_Y-->
 +  <!--IMG_2_IMAGE-->
 +  <!--IMG_2_THUMB-->
 +  <!--IMG_2_THUMB_X-->
 +  <!--IMG_2_THUMB_Y-->
 +  and so on
 +  <!--SPONSOR_NAME-->
 +  <!--SPONSOR_SITE-->
 +  <!--SPONSOR_TITLE-->
 +  <!--SPONSOR_LOGO-->  
 +  <!--SPONSOR_BANNER1-->
 +  <!--SPONSOR_BANNER2-->
 +  <!--CUSTOM_VAR1-->
 +  <!--CUSTOM_VAR2-->
 +  <!--CUSTOM_VAR3-->
 +example of IF statement
 +<!--IF IMG_6-->
 +<a href='<!--IMG_6_IMAGE-->'><img src='<!--IMG_6_THUMB-->'></a>
 +<!--END IF-->
 +You have to mark places where you want to output thumbs:
 +  <thumb num=1></thumb>
 +  or
 +  <!--default_1--> - means output first thumb using subtemplate default
 +  or
 +  <!--default_1-5--> - means output first 5 thumbs using subtemplate default
 +===== Navigation (Pagination) =====
 +let's say you have 100 thumbs per page and 1 000 thumbs - that's why you need 10 pages , and here's code example
 +  <navigation>
 +  <li><a href="/category/<!--CATEGORY_ID-->/<!--CATEGORY_NAME-->/<!--SORT_ORDER-->/<!--PAGE_NUM-->/" title="<!--PAGE_NUM-->"><!--PAGE_NUM--></a></li>
 +  </navigation>
 +Other parameters for pagination
 +  * skip_href_deletion=true - do not delete hraf tag from current page
 +  * active_link_style=act_pg and link_style=not_act_page - adds styles for current\non-current pages
 +For example you have following code
 +<navigation skip_href_deletion=true active_link_style=act_page link_style=not_act_page>
 +<li><a href="/?page=<!--PAGE_NUM-->" title="<!--PAGE_NUM-->" style='<!--LINK_STYLE-->' ><!--PAGE_NUM--></a></li>
 +Let's say we are on the 2nd page of total 3 pages
 +<li><a href="/?page=1" title="1" style='not_act_page' >1</a></li>
 +<li><a href="/?page=2" title="2" style='act_page' >2</a></li>
 +<li><a href="/?page=3" title="3" style='not_act_page' >3</a></li>
 +w\o skip_href_deletion=true  it would be like 
 +<li><a href="/?page=1" title="1" style='not_act_page' >1</a></li>
 +<li><a href="/?page=3" title="3" style='not_act_page' >3</a></li>
 +Or Prev \ Next example
 +<?php if ('<!--PREV_PAGE-->') { ?>
 +<li><a href="/category/<!--CATEGORY_ID-->/<!--CATEGORY_NAME-->/<!--SORT_ORDER-->/<!--PREV_PAGE-->/" title="<!--PREV_PAGE-->"><!--PREV_PAGE--></a></li>
 +<?php } ?>
 +<?php if ('<!--NEXT_PAGE-->') { ?>
 +<li><a href="/category/<!--CATEGORY_ID-->/<!--CATEGORY_NAME-->/<!--SORT_ORDER-->/<!--NEXT_PAGE-->/" title="<!--NEXT_PAGE-->"><!--NEXT_PAGE--></a></li>
 +<?php } ?>
 +===== List of categories =====
 +  <category order=alphabet num=1-5>
 +  <li><a href="/category/<!--CATEGORY_ID-->/<!--CATEGORY_NAME-->/ctr/1/"><!--CATEGORY_NAME--></a></li>
 +  </category>
 +  * num - numbers like 1-5 mean from 1 to 5.
 +  * order - can be alphabet and clicks.
 +  * min_gallery_count  limit by amount of galleries in сategory 
 +  * set - you can you 2 sets of category thumbs
 +  * first_letter=... output categories with names starting with this letter only
 +===== Include template =====
 +You can include one template into another, for example, good idea to include header and footer in other templates.
 +  <!--INCLUDE_TEMPLATE_header-->
 +Also with update 48 you can include local and even remote file
 +  <!--INCLUDE_FILE_/path/to/some/file-->
 +  <!--INCLUDE_FILE_http://remotehost//file-->
 +===== Tag Cloud =====
 + <tag_cloud order=alphabet>
 +      <a href="/tag/<!--TAG_NAME-->/"><font size='<!--TAG_RANK-->'><!--TAG_NAME-->  <!--TAG_HITS--></font></a>  
 + </tag_cloud>
 +You can also limit amount of tags displayed 
 + <tag_cloud order=alphabet num=1-10>
 +      <a href="/tag/<!--TAG_NAME-->/"><font size='<!--TAG_RANK-->'><!--TAG_NAME-->  <!--TAG_HITS--></font></a>  
 + </tag_cloud>
 +and sort them based on amount if galleries by this tag 
 + <tag_cloud order=tag_hits num=1-10>
 +      <a href="/tag/<!--TAG_NAME-->/"><font size='<!--TAG_RANK-->'><!--TAG_NAME-->  <!--TAG_HITS--></font></a>  
 + </tag_cloud>
 +Tag cloud is created every 30 minutes and stored into the cache. So if you clear up the cache - tag cloud will be unavailable some time.
 +Starting with update 49 you can create tag cloud with thumbs
 + <tag_cloud order=tag_hits (or clicks) num=1-10>
 +      <a href="/tag/<!--TAG_NAME-->/?<!--THUMB_LINK-->"><!--TAG_NAME-->  <!--THUMB_URL--></a>  
 + </tag_cloud>
 +Creating of the best thumb for each tag is off by default because it adds some load, you can turn it on in Rotation - Settings.
 +====== Category Thumbs ======
 +The script selects the best thumb for each category (Rotation Settings - System Thumbs). You can have 2 sets of sp called category thumbs.
 +Here's an example how 
 +  <category order=alphabet num=1-5>
 +  <li><a href="/category/<!--CATEGORY_SLUG-->/ctr/1/"><!--CATEGORY_NAME--></a> (<!--TOTAL_ITEMS-->) (<!--THUMB_URL-->) </li>
 +  </category>
 +  * num - limit amount
 +  * min_gallery_count - limit amount of galleries in a category ( for example min_gallery_count=10)
 +  * set - byfault set in 1, but you cat have set=2, for example <category order=alphabet num=1-5 set=2>
 +  * first_letter=... , # - means any number
 +  * custom_name_first_letter = ... 
 +  * category_custom_var1 category_custom_var2 category_custom_var3 - limit by custom vars
 +  * filter_field= and filter_value - unified filter for example filter_field=custom_name filter_value=GET_somevar where GET_somevar - means &somevar=... in the URL
 +  * sort_field = sort by this field category_name, category_custom_name, category_custom_var1 (2, 3) )
 +  * sort_order - asc, desc
 +  * order - alphabet, clicks (same as ctr), amount of galleries (total_items) , random
 +  * parent_id 
 +  * name="cat1,cat2" limit by category name
 +  * category_id= limit by category id
 +There are some test vars
 +  * <!--CATEGORY_TOP_THUMBS_LIST--> <!--CATEGORY_TOP_THUMBS_LIST5--> - top 5 category thumbs separated by comma, in case if you want to "roll" thumbs at your page
 +====== Tag prefix ======
 +You can use PHP code in your templates to play with variables, let's say you want to make the first letter - uppercase
 +  <?php ucfirst('<!--DESCRIPTION-->'); ?>
 +If a description has a quote you'll get an error, so you have to "escape" quotes
 +  <?php ucfirst('<!--ESCAPED_DESCRIPTION-->'); ?>
 +Here's another example
 +  Let's say <!--ALT--> becomes <!--ESCAPED_ALT--> and so on
 +At present moment we have following prefixes 
 +**1. Escape **
 +  As an example  <!--ALT--> becomes <!--ESCAPED_ALT--> 
 +**2. HTMLENTITY to replace special html characters like & =>  &amp;** 
 +'&' (ampersand) becomes '&amp;' 
 +'"' (double quote) becomes '&quot;' when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set. 
 +''' (single quote) becomes '&#039;' only when ENT_QUOTES is set. 
 +'<' (less than) becomes '&lt;' 
 +'>' (greater than) becomes '&gt;' 
 +  example: <!--ALT--> becomes <!--HTMLENTITY_ALT--> 
 +**3. URLENCODE to replace URL variaиду (a space becomes +)  ** 
 +  <!--TAG_1--> becomes <!--URLENCODE_TAG_1--> and so on
 +**4. RAWURLENCODE  ** 
 +  <!--TAG_1--> becomes <!--RAWURLENCODE_TAG_1--> 
 +Don't forget you can combine <!--GET.. (variables you get from URL, for example ?search=...  is  <!--GET_SEARCH-->) and prefixes , for example 
 +  <!--ESCAPED_GET_SEARCH--> - you'll get escaped ?search=... 
 +**5. STRIP_SPECIAL_CHARS_ to delete special characters like !$@ and so on  ** 
 +Exactly it's :  trim(preg_replace('|[\\\,\|\,<\.>\/\?;:\'\"\[\{\]\}\`~@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\-_=\+]*|i', "", $var))
 +===== <tag_list and <group_list =====
 +Outputs all the data for the current gallery. An example shows it better then a thousand words
 +<tag_list num=1-3><!--TAG--> </tag_list>
 +and for groups
 +<group_list num=1-3><!--GROUP_NAME--> </group_list>
 +and models 
 +<model_list num=1-3><!--MODEL_NAME--> </model_list>
 +Note that if you have something like this 
 +  <group_list ><!--GROUP_NAME--> </group_list>
 +you'll get a result like this "group1,group2,group3," with 1 obsolete comma at the end
 +That;'s why we have one more tag
 +<group_list separator="," ><!--GROUP_NAME--> </group_list>
 +which gives you better result like this "group1,group2,group3"
 +====== Search log ======
 +if you have a search form like (domain/?search=...) - those search requests are being logged. You can  output a list of these requests later http://domain/scj/tube/?search_log=all and template 'search_log' is used.
 +Default rewrite - http://domain/search_log/1/  (you can change it)
 +You can also output that list at any page
 +  <search_log=all num=1-10> <!--SEARCH_QUERY--> </search_log>
 +<search_log num=1-10 > ........ </search_log>
 +order=hits - also can be : alphabet, date
 +date_limit=today - yesterday, this_week, this_month
 +date_start= date_end=  
 +min_results=  with at least X results 
 +min_hits= surfers looked up this term at least X times
 +search= filter results by this keyword
 +so called "syntax sugar"
 +basicaly the same as search=GET_category_name and search=GET_tag_name (ie take the keyword from URL (GET parameters)
 +  exclude_search_query= exclude from search results
 +most likely it's gonna be exclude_search_query=GET_search - ie exclude current search keyword
 +We log every search request with the best gallery ID found, for example, a surfer looks for 'car' so we log 'car - gallery id 12345' , later you can list search queries along with the best gallery for each , for example 
 +<search_log num=1-10> 
 +Best gallery: <!--THUMB_URL--> <!--GALLERY_ID--> 
 +If you don't want to log search request at some pages you can do 
 +<search_log num=1-10 separator=", "> 
 +===== Rows and Cols =====
 +There are settings for rows ans cols, it doesnt affect template, it's for [[Cell Stats]]
 +===== Custom Templates =====
 +You can have as many custom template as you want. For example, default template for custom image galleries - content_custom_pic, but you can create for example my_sponsor1_pic and set it as a template for selected galleries (in Import or later Massedit). 
 +But you can do more. Basic template of index page - index (yeap, it's easy :) ) But if you want separate template for trader you can create template index_trd (any name actually) and after that you have 3 options to use it.
 +  * ask trader to send traffic to
 +  * create rewrite for link1 
 +  * create file trd.php and set it as personal page for this trader
 +content of trd.php 
 +$_GET['force_template'] = 'index_trd';
 +====== Developer Mode ======
 +Sometimes it's easier to edit template on FTP, not in admin. If you set Developer Mode ON - script will search in scj/tube/default_templates for file with names  *.tpl and replace existing templates in DB with content of those files. For example, content_list.tpl - for template content_list, and so on.  Make sure you turn OFF this option on high traffic.
 +====== Cache ======
 +Actually cache options are located under Rotation -Settings menu, but I think it worth mention here. When script processes template and replaces tags with actual data - it saves result into cache so next time, when another surfer loads the same page, script doesnt have to process it again. You can see Cache time in Rotation - Settings. It's in seconds, 900 by default. It means that if surfer visits your index page at 10:00, this pages will be saved in cache till 10:15.  This saves server resources so set cache time based on server resources.
 +====== Version 1.X Notes ======
 +  - For version 1.X you have to add some special tags ((Each template MUST have <!--SCJ_ROTIN--> (if you want to count views)  <!--SCJ_INCLUDE--> (if you want to count trade hits) )), while for version 2.X you don't have to add any special tags.
 +  - Links should be like <a href="/gallery/<!--GALLERY_SLUG-->/index.html?<!--THUMB_LINK-->" title="<!--ALT-->"> ... ie  You can have as many templates as you want, but 99% of site uses 1 per page. Note, script uses parameter <!--THUMB_LINK--> to count clicks, so you must have it too.
 +  - You can use old style formatting 
 +  format: <!--subtemplatename_thumbnum-->
 +  for example 
 +  <!--default_1--> 
 +  <!--default_1-5-->   is the same as   <thumb num=1-5></thumb>