Mysql error 1064

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Posts: 1225
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:43 pm

Mysql error 1064

Post by Axcel »

После апа вылезла такая ошибка.

Code: Select all

Mysql error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  and priority = 'yes'  LIMIT 0, 120# queryitems' at line 4 (SELECT   gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gt.source_thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery  FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs   JOIN  rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
 JOIN  rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
  JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id
                        WHERE 1 = 1  AND gi.gallery_status IN ('8%[%\')  AND gi.gallery_type = 0  and gs.tested_thumb = 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  and priority = 'yes'  LIMIT 0, 120# queryitems)
Mysql error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  and priority = 'yes'  LIMIT 0, 120# queryitems' at line 4 (SELECT   gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gt.source_thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery  FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs   JOIN  rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
 JOIN  rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
  JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id
                        WHERE 1 = 1  AND gi.gallery_status IN ('81x''%27\')  AND gi.gallery_type = 0  and gs.tested_thumb = 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  and priority = 'yes'  LIMIT 0, 120# queryitems)
Mysql error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  LIMIT 0, 75# queryitems' at line 4 (SELECT   gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gt.source_thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery  FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs   JOIN  rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
 JOIN  rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
  JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id
                        WHERE 1 = 1  AND gi.gallery_status IN ('8%[%\')  AND gi.gallery_type = 0  and gs.tested_thumb = 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  LIMIT 0, 75# queryitems)
Mysql error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  LIMIT 0, 75# queryitems' at line 4 (SELECT   gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gt.source_thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery  FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs   JOIN  rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
 JOIN  rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id
  JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id
                        WHERE 1 = 1  AND gi.gallery_status IN ('81x''%27\')  AND gi.gallery_type = 0  and gs.tested_thumb = 'no'  and gs.group_id = 0  LIMIT 0, 75# queryitems)
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Posts: 37241
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Mysql error 1064

Post by admin »

это кто то пытается ломать сайт, логгит ошибки

делать ничего ен надо, но я подумаю как сделать что б такие варнинги не писало в общие что б не волновать лишний раз
Don't forget to run script update
Site Admin
Posts: 37241
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Mysql error 1064

Post by admin »

убрал из script messages такие варнинги
Don't forget to run script update
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