Warning, you have following CORE errors

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Posts: 1788
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:04 am

Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by S_Flash »

После апа до (c) SmartCJ Pro V 2.1 Your Build 202104281008
(c) SmartCJ Pro V 2.1 (хз, где-то пару месяцев без апдейта)

Появились ошибки на главной:

Code: Select all

Database check - OK

Warning, you have following CORE errors (You have to fix it and delete those messages from Home - Script Messages after that)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (619) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gal2tag on rot_gal2tag.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 AND gs.gallery_id IN (SELECT gallery_id FROM rot_gal2tag WHERE tag_id IN ('39417') ) group by gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (706) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 1440, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (737) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (628) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 180, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (783) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (841) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 720, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (685) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (757) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 360, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gal2tag on rot_gal2tag.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 AND gs.gallery_id IN (SELECT gallery_id FROM rot_gal2tag WHERE tag_id IN ('32294') ) group by gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (773) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 180, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (622) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 720, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (609) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 6840, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gal2tag on rot_gal2tag.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 AND gs.gallery_id IN (SELECT gallery_id FROM rot_gal2tag WHERE tag_id IN ('41982') ) group by gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id IN (638) ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1176: Key 'group_activationdate' doesn't exist in table 'gs' (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats17 as gs FORCE INDEX (group_activationdate) STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id STRAIGHT_JOIN rot_gallery_data17 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gal2tag on rot_gal2tag.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 AND gs.gallery_id IN (SELECT gallery_id FROM rot_gal2tag WHERE tag_id IN ('28222') ) group by gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id ORDER BY activation_date DESC LIMIT 0, 180# queryitems)

Note, this is a free version.

Как и нужно ли фиксить?
Posts: 1788
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:04 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by S_Flash »

И ещё такой вариант

Code: Select all

Database check - OK

Warning, you have following CORE errors (You have to fix it and delete those messages from Home - Script Messages after that)

Core error: Mysql error 1064: syntax error, unexpected $end (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 and MATCH (gd.alt, gd.description) AGAINST ('compilation~' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY tested_thumb DESC, gs.total_ctr DESC LIMIT 0, 150# queryitems)

Core error: Mysql error 1064: syntax error, unexpected $end (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS gs.gallery_id, gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.content_count, gi.content_type, gs.total_shows, gs.total_clicks, gs.total_ctr, gt.thumb_url, gd.*, gi.content_count, gi.crop_profile_id, gs.activation_date, gi.added_date, gi.duration, gi.url, gi.gallery_total_shows, gi.sponsor_id, gi.source_url, gi.custom_gallery FROM rot_gallery_stats1 as gs JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gs.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs as gt on gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE 1 = 1 AND gi.gallery_status = 'active' AND gi.gallery_type = 0 and gs.best_thumb = 'yes' and gs.group_id = 0 and MATCH (gd.alt, gd.description) AGAINST ('nauhty~' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY tested_thumb DESC, gs.total_ctr DESC LIMIT 0, 150# queryitems)

Note, this is a free version.
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Posts: 37250
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by admin »

на мастере нет апедйтов?
Don't forget to run script update
Posts: 1788
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:04 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by S_Flash »

Уже есть
Site Admin
Posts: 37250
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by admin »

и ощибка больше не появляется ?
Don't forget to run script update
Posts: 803
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:59 pm

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by Semen_ssr »

у меня после подключения к другому мастеру такое произошло. Т.е. удалил слейв у одного мастера, законекил к другому, апдейт одинаковый

Code: Select all

Database check - OK

Warning, you have following CORE errors (You have to fix it and delete those messages from Home - Script Messages after that)

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_data32' doesn't exist (SELECT gd.gallery_id FROM rot_gallery_data32 as gd LEFT JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gd.gallery_id WHERE gallery_slug = 'establish-discontinue-teen-bird-lose-one-s-train-of' and gallery_type IN (0, 10) )

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_data32' doesn't exist (SELECT gd.gallery_id FROM rot_gallery_data32 as gd LEFT JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gd.gallery_id WHERE gallery_slug = 'guileful-teenage-toddler-showcasing-will-not-hear-of' and gallery_type IN (0, 10) )

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_data32' doesn't exist (SELECT gd.gallery_id FROM rot_gallery_data32 as gd LEFT JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gd.gallery_id WHERE gallery_slug = 'young-unsurpassed-tolerant-mango-a-displays-say-no' and gallery_type IN (0, 10) )

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_stats32' doesn't exist (UPDATE IGNORE rot_gallery_stats32 SET current_shows = current_shows + 3 WHERE thumb_id IN (391423,391394,391408,391432,391458,391390,391396,391414,391410,391386,391387,391428,391393,391389,391420,391446,391419,391455,391451,391397,391411,391430,391431,391418,391398,391441,391388,391445,391425,391395,391399,391421,391407,391409,391453,391426,391424,391447,391401,391405,391417,391429,391402,391412,391416,391406,391413,391456,391392,391422,391440,391443,391454,391449,391403,391448,391444,391457,391415,391427,391450,391404,391442,391452,391391,391400))

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_data32' doesn't exist (SELECT gd.gallery_id FROM rot_gallery_data32 as gd LEFT JOIN rot_gallery_info as gi on gi.gallery_id = gd.gallery_id WHERE gallery_slug = 'cute-irish-english-colleen-lucy-unspecified-vandalization' and gallery_type IN (0, 10) )

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_stats32' doesn't exist (SELECT gs.thumb_id, gi.sponsor_id, gi.url, gi.crop_profile_id, gi.content_count, gt.thumb_url, gt.thumb_url, gt.extra_thumb, gs.total_shows, gs.total_ctr, gd.alt, gd.description, gd.custom_var1, gd.custom_var2, gd.custom_var3 FROM rot_gallery_info AS gi JOIN rot_gallery_stats32 as gs on gs.gallery_id = gi.gallery_id JOIN rot_gallery_data1 as gd on gd.gallery_id = gi.gallery_id JOIN rot_thumbs AS gt ON gt.thumb_id = gs.thumb_id WHERE gi.gallery_type = 1 and gi.source_url = '32' /* site_id */ and content_type = '0' /* set_id */ )

Core error: Mysql error 1146: Table 'example_scj.rot_gallery_data' doesn't exist (DELETE FROM rot_gallery_data WHERE gallery_id NOT IN (select gallery_id from rot_gallery_info) ) 
Your Build 202105062012 (Current build: 202105062012 ) PHP version 7.4.11 Mysql Version: 10.4.14-MariaDB
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Posts: 37250
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by admin »

думаю в кеше было старый ИД, который удалился

стоит очистить кеш, удалить ошибку и смотреть появится ли снова
Don't forget to run script update
Posts: 803
Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:59 pm

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by Semen_ssr »

Да, все стало ок, спасибо )
Site Admin
Posts: 37250
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:43 am

Re: Warning, you have following CORE errors

Post by admin »

Don't forget to run script update
Post Reply